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Crystal Essential Oil Roll-On

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Crystal Infused Essential Oil Perfume Roll-On

Scents: Abundance, Focus, Intuition, Love, Manifest, Meditation, Passion, Protection, Spirit

Abundance: Frankincense, Germanium, and Lavender and Citrine Crystals

Focus: Peppermint and Lemon and Soladite Crystals

Intuition: Patchoui and Lavender and Fluorite Crystals

Love: Lavender and Rose Oil and Rose Quartz Crystals

Manifest: Cedarwood and Sweet Orange and Clear Quartz Crystals

Meditation: Frankincense, Lavender and Sweet Orange and Lapis Lazuli Crystals

Passion: Cedarwood, Patchouli and Rose Oil with Red Jasper Quartz Crystals

Protection: Palo Santo and Frankincense with Tiger's Eye Crystals 

Spirit: Lavender and Sage with Amethyst Crystals